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Our Story

Updated: Nov 20, 2019

Who We Are:

We are The CitrusWay, a group of passionate Year 11 students who are devoted to raising awareness of food waste and universalizing natural and sustainable cleaning products. By making the dreadful task of cleaning all with one product, our customers will not only get the job done with ease, but they can also make a positive impact on the environment by not cleaning with harmful toxins made in climate-destroying factories. Our product will influence our buyers' lifestyles by encouraging eco-friendly habits and changes all found here!, our complimentary website.  

Where It All Started:

It began with a group of girls who live together under the same roof, in the same boarding house, all away from home. Having spent a great amount of time in school, we encountered many problems our school is facing, and food waste is one of the biggest issues that contribute globally to the world's environmental problems. As students who are devoted to changing the school and the world for the better, we decided to come up with the product that will reduce and reuse food waste within the school.

As an allergy acknowledgement school, we believe that an all NATURAL product would fit best with the society we live in.  As young teenage girls, we often use products like deodorants, hand wash and perfume. And as we all live in the same rooms, the harsh smell of these products create unwelcoming and unhealthy odour. So, we thought that if we make a multi-purpose spray which can be used to substitute some of these products, our room would feel homier. It’s scientifically proven that the subtle smell of citrus makes you feel happier as it produces the happiness hormone (serotonin). Not can it only increase mental ability to concentrate but also increases your critical thinking skills which help with school and work.  

We decided to create detergent because for us, boarders, we have to clean our own dishes and wipe our own surfaces. And we were looking for a product that would clean the plates, make it smell nice, could clean our mirrors, and mop the floor. We couldn’t find a product fitting this description, so we created one. 

We went online and found different recipes, tested it ourselves to make sure it works and isn’t harmful to humans or the environment. We experimented on different ratios of the acidic enzyme solution to the alkali soap solution and created our own formula for the best result. We tested the pH of the solution and found that it was about 7-8 which is completely safe and nearly neutral which is not harmful to the skin. We chose lemons and oranges because of their homely smell and the citric acid in the lemon and orange skins are really good for removing grease and oils. We did experiments with oil to test out the result and found that small amounts of our solution was able to wash off a bowl covered in a thick layer of oil. And we would like to share this with the world.

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